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Modified by the General Assembly of 23 September 2023




Convinced that the consolidation of peace is founded on justice, on the need for security for all, on international cooperation and is of vital interest for the preservation of human society and civilisation. 

Steadfastly attached to the spiritual and moral values that are the common heritage of their peoples, that these spiritual and moral values constitute the foundation of the principles of individual liberty, equality and dignity, political freedom and the primacy of law, on which a true democracy is based.

Convinced that, in order to safeguard this ideal, to ensure it ultimately prevails and in order to promote social and economic progress, it is essential that we create, on the basis of the "Agreement concerning European meetings of former members of parliament" signed in Strasbourg on 18 October 1987, an organisation bringing the former members of parliament into closer association.


Article 1

The “European Association of former members of parliament of the member states of the Council of Europe”, hereinafter called the “European Association”, is hereby created.

In its correspondence, the European Association may use the abbreviation “FP-AP” or “fp-ap”.

The aim of the European Association is to promote the European ideal and to contribute to European integration.

To that end, it aims to raise awareness and highlight the key role of the European institutions, in particular the Council of Europe and its Parliamentary Assembly, as well as the European Parliament.

It may organise meetings and conferences devoted to the study of major social problems. It shall maintain a relationship of mutual exchange with similar Associations at world level that share the same values.


Article 2

The European Association welcomes associations of former parliamentarians:

  • of national parliaments of the Member States of the Council of Europe

  • of the European Parliament

Hereinafter called “member associations”.


Article 3

Every member association shall remain autonomous within its country of origin. Its membership of the European Association shall go hand in hand with adherence to the present statutes and rules of procedure.  


Article 4

The European Association shall consist of three bodies: the General Assembly, the Council and the Bureau.

A Bureau consisting of the President, the Vice-Presidents and the Secretary General shall function within the Council. On the proposal of the Council, temporarily associated members may be added. The Bureau shall handle day-to-day business in accordance with the provisions of the rules of procedure.


Article 5

The national associations shall ensure a balanced representation of men and women in all FP-AP bodies of the European Association.


Article 6

Each member association shall appoint for a two-year term of office three delegates who shall represent their member association at the General Assembly meetings. The former presidents of the European Association, as well as former presidents of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe who were previously members of the FP-AP Council, shall be ex-officio members of the General Assembly in an advisory capacity only.


Article 7

Each member association shall be represented by two delegates in the Council, which is the executive body of the European Association.  The delegates are appointed for a two-year term on the proposal of the member associations and following approval by the General Assembly. If prevented from fulfilling his or her duties, a delegate may be replaced by another delegate member of the General Assembly and appointed by his or her association.


Article 8

The General Assembly shall, on the proposal of and after hearing the opinion of the Council concerning the candidates’ eligibility in accordance with the statutes, elect the President and the First Vice-President of the European Association by simple majority of the member associations present, disregarding abstentions. A representative of a member association shall be elected President every two years.

During the votes and in the event of a tie in the first round of voting, a second round will be held. If the second round ends in a tie, lots will be drawn to decide between the candidates.


Article 9

The General Assembly shall appoint three auditors for a two-year term of office.  They shall examine the financial accounts and transmit their written comments to the General Assembly.  They cannot serve more than two consecutive terms and cannot be members of the Bureau.


Article 10

The Council may deliberate only if a majority of member associations is represented. The Council’s decisions are taken by a majority of member associations present.

The former presidents of the European Association, in addition to former presidents of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and the European Parliament who were previously members of the Council, shall be ex-officio members of the Council in an advisory capacity only.


Article 11

In the event of the resignation, incapacity or death of the President, the Council, convened by the First Vice-President, shall meet as early as possible to appoint a President from among the Council members for the remainder of the President’s term of office, in keeping with the procedure described in Article 8.


Article 12

The Council shall draw up the rules of procedure that set out the European Association’s working arrangements and the powers of its delegates.

The Council shall submit for approval the budget and its means of financing to the General Assembly that shall decide by a two-thirds majority of the member associations. The membership fee shall be set annually by the General Assembly.


Article 13

The Council shall meet at least twice yearly when convened by the President and shall meet in exceptional circumstances at the request of half of the member associations.

The General Assembly must meet once a year and, in exceptional circumstances, at the request of one third of its member associations.


Article 14

The headquarters of the European Association is hereby established in Paris at the Assemblée Nationale, 126 rue de l’Université, PARIS 7ème.


Article 15

Any amendment to the statutes requires a two-third majority of the member associations of the General Assembly. Any proposal for an amendment must be sent in writing 21 days prior to the meeting.



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